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Batas Pendaftaran: 22 August 2024, 07:00

Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
- Performs audit work, including plan preparation, workpapers, finding, and associated reports; verifies the accuracy of financial records as they pertain to assets, liabilities, receipts, expenditures, and related transactions.
- Evaluate the system to ensure compliance of policies, plans, procedures, laws, and regulations that have a significant impact on the company.
- Evaluate ways to safeguard existing assets and ensure the existence of those assets.
- Evaluate operations or programs to ensure that all results will be consistent with the objectives and objectives of the company, as well as whether the operation or program has been executed according to the plan.
- Report exposure on significant risk and control issues, including fraud risk, governance issues, and other issues.
- Review the effectiveness of internal controls and compliance to policies and procedures.
- Promote IA and its value.
- Performs ad-hoc investigations and review at the request of the Audit Committee or Management.
- Have a minimum 2 years of experience in an audit role specially IT Audit/Consultant (Recommended)
- Bachelor degree in Information Technology/Accounting/related fields
- Proven knowledge of auditing standards and procedures, laws, rules and regulations.
- Advanced computer skills on MS Office, accounting software and databases.
- Ability to manipulate large amounts of data and to compile detailed reports
- High attention to detail and excellent analytical skills
- Strong attention to detail and a commitment to delivering high quality outcomes.
- Strong time management skills.
- Reliable, firm, honest and trustworthy.
- Have integrity in carrying out their duties.
- Implement the Internal Audit Code of Ethics.
- Excellent communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English.